Monday, June 22, 2009

Dude, get a blog.

One, that title is a line from the new video at Atop The Fourth Wall. For the lazier readers: LOVE LINKARA!
Two, Dear Leader are a really good band.
Three, I started watching Mr. Show clips again. I can't believe I used to watch that show when I was a kid (I was like 10).

I will be attending the midnight showing of Revenge of the Fallen tomorrow.. or, is it Wednesday? I've already read/heard some really nasty reviews and I wasn't a huge fan of the first one so I'm not going in with any hopes for anything good. I will review it for the blog, most likely in text form. Watch out for that.

Sam will be going to Florida for a week on Thursday, so no videos for a while. After the 4th (of July) I have a feeling we'll start churning them out more and more.

I'm about halfway through the second short story we're working on. Sam is still drawing the first. As these things go, I'm always about a step or two ahead of him. I have to say I'm really really happy (and pretentious) about what I'm writing. I think it's my best work so far.

Lastly, I've been making really subtle changes to this blog's layout. Hopefully you can't notice. If you do, thats fine. I hope you think it looks better now.

I love seals, they're fucking beautiful and cute.

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